7 Amazing Foods That Will Drive Your Stress Away
5. Berries

Photo Courtesy: vivevans
Does the mention of a chilled wild berry milkshake bring a twinkle to your eye? Well, guess what? You should be having one tall glass of a berry shake on a daily basis to keep yourself fit and in a better position to drive stress away. Berries of any sort – blueberries, cherries, gooseberries and raspberries have high amounts of Vitamin C. This helps to build up your immunity and strength reserves of your body, helping it to deal with high levels of stress.
6. Nuts n’ Raisins

Photo Courtesy: rusvaplauke
Most of us love raisins in our ice creams, cakes and desserts, don’t we? Then why not eat them plain and nutrient rich in their pure form? Packed with Vitamins B and E, almonds, walnuts and pistachios have the ability to bring down blood pressure that is caused by increased stress. Wait, there’s more. With omega-3 fatty acids, manganese, tryptophan and copper filled to the brim, long term use of raisins can also help in inducing sleep and relax. Now that surely sounds stress relieving, right?
7. Asparagus

Photo Courtesy: pamramsey
Most of us react to asparagus in a standard way. ‘Yikes, I hate asparagus!’ is usually our reaction. But ladies, we advise you to not turn away from this wonderful vegetable which has the ability of punching your stress away. Give your mood levels a kick with its concentrated folic acid and lots of fiber. Did you know, there are interesting ways of cooking asparagus and making it yummy? Whether you steam it, pan fry it, grill it or stir fry it, always keep asparagus in your menu.
Don’t you agree that the best way to go about stress is to eat these foods on a daily basis and not once in a while when you need to eat them in an alarming situation? We second your thoughts. Don’t let stress and anxiety eat away your life.