- Talking constantly during the date is a strict no-no. It is very important to be a good listener
as well.
- Like you expect basic level of hygiene from the boy, he expects the same from you as well.
Bad breath, body odor and unwanted hair on your body would make you seem as plain gross.
- Always dress according to the event. Your dress should be subtle and appropriate for the date
planned. It shouldn’t be way too formal or way too casual for the occasion.
- Do not let him make the decisions during the date alone. It would portray you as plainly
dependent. Try and give your inputs throughout the date.
- Never drink too much alcohol on the date. You don’t want to do something on the date that
you regret later.
- Never nurture a feeling that he’s inferior to you in any way. If ever you feel that way then
don’t agree to go on a date.
- During the date, the guy would most probably compliment you on something. It always
seems more graceful to accept these compliments rather than appearing to be embarrassed.
- Make sure you keep your makeup and bling subtle and minimalistic. If otherwise, the guy
might feel awkward in your company if you end up being too loud.
- Prepare yourself to charm all his senses. The first thing that he would notice about you is
your appearance and your fragrance. If you can impress him in these two aspects, winning the rest
of the game would be easy.
- When you smile, you give a man the confidence to open up to you. Smiling is a big sign of
you being approachable.