- Some men don’t like a woman paying for both. It has a deflating effect on their ego. If your
date insists that you don’t pay, give him the chance to enjoy pampering you.
- Physical intimacy should come in at a point when you are both comfortable with one another.
Avoid having sex in the early phases when you are getting to know each other. The patience to
judge the man first would reap huge rewards later.
- Don’t ever be early for your dates. It makes a girl seem desperate to see the guy. Keeping him
waiting just a teensy bit will increase his anticipation levels.
- Men always find a woman they have to chase very attractive. Don’t let him get to you so
easily especially in terms of calls or dates.
- Always try and see if a man accommodates himself for you. If you’re on his priority list and
he really likes you, he will do all in his capabilities to spend some time with you.
- Even when you are dating, make it clear to the guy by your actions that your friends come
first. This would show that you are loyal and stick up for those who mean to you.
- Don’t talk to your dates about previous relationships. Some details are best left with you.
- Keep no room for assumptions. Women are blessed with great intuition senses. Let that
wiggly feeling guide you.
- If the man shows even slight signs of insecurity, violence or possessiveness, make sure that
you get out the prospective relationship asap.
- Never ever talk too much about your father or even compare him with the new guy in any
aspect. It gives out a signal that you are desperate to commit.