5 Things All Girls Must Carry With Them For Protection

4. A pair of scissors

You can use scissors to tear and cut not only paper, but the potential danger that may be staring down at you. Always keep it in your purse. It will be a great help in a dangerous situation. Always remember that even simple and seemingly harmless things can be used effectively to attack someone or to defend yourself from attacks.

5. An Electric Taser

An Electric Taser really comes in handy in dangerous situations. It is basically an electroshock weapon. By using electric current, it causes temporary disruption in muscle control. Thus it is a great tool for you when you have been cornered. Use it on the attacker and run as fast as you can.

We all pray that we should be out of dangerous situations, but praying alone is not enough. One should always be alert and prepared to handle such situations if they ever arise. So carry these 5 things in your purse to avert such dangers!

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