5 Fruits That Reduce Acidity
Are you suffering from severe acidic pangs in your stomach? To reduce this trouble, have fruits that will produce more alkali in your body and remove the excess acid from your digestive system. Here are a few fruits that you may eat to reduce acidity.
1. Mango

Photo Courtesy: Saad.Akhtar
This marvelous fruit is not only wholesome in terms of nutrients, but is also an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. It will keep your stomach lining cool and acid free. Have fun with mango in any form. Juice it, shake it or slice it.
2. Coconut

Photo Courtesy: celine nadeau
Drinking coconut water a couple of times a day will do wonders to prevent extra acid formation in your belly. Did you know, it will also replenish all salts and sugars that you may have lost during the day?
3. Watermelon

Photo Courtesy: babasteve
Don’t you just love the juice that oozes out when you have a bite of watermelon? It has lots of amino acid citrulline which helps the body in creating ammonia. This in turn maintains the acidic levels. In short, feel free to gorge on watermelons.