5 Fruits That Make Your Skin Glow

Photo Courtesy: Mari Smith
Somehow, we’ve never enjoyed pomegranate as a fruit. And that’s why we use it more as a face pack. You will love the coolness and the feeling of the raw seeds rub against the skin of your face. What you can do is– just batter and mash the seeds to make a pulp and then add in it whatever toner you use. You can even make pomegranate juice and cool it in the freezer. Then take a cotton swab and dab the droplets to make your skin feel fresh. This is a summer trick; keep your skin glowing and beautiful!

Photo Courtesy: Neil T
Orange is like an all-round medicine. If you’re the type to quickly gulp orange juice in breakfast every morning, then we have an amazing suggestion on how you can use the entire fruit. Are you throwing away the peels after juicing the orange? Then don’t– it’s like throwing away a gold mine. The peel of an Orange has an amazing astringent and toning property that’ll make your skin glow like a baby’s. The technique is very simple. Just rub fresh orange peel on your skin for 5 minutes in a day. Within a month’s time, you’ll see that your facial color has lightened up. Another exciting alternative for you- Juice 2 oranges and freeze the juice in an ice tray, just like you would freeze water. Once ice cubes are formed; rub them on your face. And watch how all the fatigue of the day vanishes away.
Do you know, what is the best thing about using fruits for skin troubles? They’re inexpensive, available all year round and have no side effects. We love the fact that we can use fruits in just about every form possible. In salads, in milkshakes, as a face pack, or even just by themselves! You can actually make your fruit makeup session an event with your friends. Ask all your friends to come over on a Sunday, get a basket of fruits and get started. Make it a routine to get smooth, ravishing, glowing skin. Trust us, you’ll have so much fun and you won’t feel like spending money to hang out again.