It’s never a pain to jot down names that come to mind while thinking about amazing Hollywood actors, is it? Compiled here is a list of Hollywood actors who, we think, are dashing, charming and hot.
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TAGS: australia, blade:trinity, brad pitt, fight club, hancock, harry potter, hitch, hollywood, hollywood actors, hollywood movies, hugh jackman, i am legend, johnny depp, legends of the fall, leonardo dicaprio, lord of the rings, matt damon, miranda kerr, mission impossible, ocean's eleven, orlando bloom, pirates of the caribbean, rain man, robert pattinson, ryan reynolds, saving private ryan, syriana, the bourne, the curious case of benjamin button, the departed, the prestige, the proposal, the pursuit of happyness, titanic, tom cruise, troy, twilight series, will smith, x men, MoreLess